Tuesday, November 27, 2012

More Halloween

Ava and Nina showing off their costumes a few days after Halloween. Nandita made Nina's costume this year - isn't it great? 



Ava's class field trip to the Pumpkin Farm.

Lets see if I can get all the names right:

Front row: Brandon, Dailey, Imogen, Not sure, Paloma, Jasper, Ava, Alexa, Immanuel, Noah
Back row: Zoe, Ben, Tyrell, Santiago, Ella, Ryan, Alkinoos, Chemnui, Nicola, Katya 

So, all but one.  Pretty good.

A closer shot of Arlo's  costume.  It was super cute off, but he wiggled so much, you couldn't exactly tell what he was with it on.  Oh well - good effort.

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