Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Field trip to the ranch

Ava's school took a field trip to a ranch outside of Prague for some horse back riding, a cookout and fun with her friends. The crazy thing was that an American guy who thinks he is an American Indian owns the ranch and has built tee-pees there and apparently dresses in animal skins all the time....It was beautiful though!

Here is the Indian in front of his tee-pees. You could see his full bum under his animal skin...an odd clothing choice for a bunch of 3-year olds.

Ava was so excited for the horse-back riding

Ava's friends Gaja and Nadelka

Ava's Polish friend Nadelka - I think she is adorable! Ava talks about her most, but she barely speaks English, so I imagine they just run around and play together without really talking.

The ranch had a few animals - the kids loved feeding them grass

The administrator of the school, Asha - she is super nice

One of Ava's teachers, James - he is Australian

The kids wore themselves out by running around for hours and playing in the tee-pees

We ended the day by cooking Polish sausages on the fire...they were delish. Funny how this activity turned into a mom's only activity....

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