On Labor Day weekend, we took a staycation - as they are calling it these days. We spent our time exploring the Bay Area and enjoyed every minute!
We took the Ferry to Sausalito to go to the country's #1 Fine Arts Festival. There was a lot of beautiful art and I was happiest because I got to bring my new wagon. I got my new wagon because I am fully potty trained!
Believe it or not, this isn't a real person! Mommy had to almost touch him with her eyes to see that he was not real. It was amazing!
We also rode our bikes through Golden Gate Park to the beach and had lunch at the Park Chalet with Angie and Joe. It was good fun because I love riding the bike and I got to see sprinklers, the waterfall, the buffalo and more!
On Monday we went to Sonoma to hang out with Wendy, Tony and Audrey who were staying there in a house for the week. It was a beautiful day and we hung out in the square and went swimming at their house while enjoying a BBQ!
Things have been going fast around here and I have already been in preschool for 3 weeks. I love it so much at Little Wonders and have learned SO much. I can already sing a bunch of songs and am getting better at them everyday. I also know how to say my whole name, am counting higher and higher and know most of my ABC's!
Here are some songs for your viewing pleasure (it is somewhat like a collage of the songs all together):