My Daddy tried to bring the Kentucky out of me, and put me on a John Deere tractor! I kinda liked it!

On Saturday of this past weekend, I went with Mommy and Daddy to Hands on Bay Area and helped to paint benches at an elementary school in the Sunset. Mommy's work, Text 100 organized it, so I got to meet some of her workmates. It was good fun - and we were helping little kids have a better school, so it made me feel good. I had a name tag of my own - see it on my head!

The other festival we went to was the Bluegrass Festival in Golden Gate Park. I actually went on Friday and Sunday. I don't know what it is, but I think my Daddy is trying to teach me about his roots! I liked the bluegrass music - and there were lots of people to watch! Again, I managed to take a little snooze, even with all the loud music!

One of the biggest events of the month was my first day at daycare! I started on October 1, and my Mommy went back to work for the first day. She was very sad to leave me, but she knows I have a fun time at daycare. I love playing with the other kids and Lisa takes good care of me. I am always very happy to see my Mommy at the end of the day though! Here we are at Lisa's on our first day!
This week is another big week too. I am going on a plane again - this time to Charleston! This will be my 6th plane trip already! I am racking up the frequent flier miles. We are going to Uncle Ralph and (soon to be!) Aunt Carey's wedding! Mommy is in the wedding. We are staying in a nice house on the beach, and it is supposed to be nice weather - so I am looking forward to it. Tune in soon for pictures from that trip!
Here are the latest pictures from my life!
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