It was so good to see all the family and friends at the wedding. We stayed in a great house right on the beach with some friends and aunts, uncles, grandmas and great grandmas. Ava loved to see everyone....especially Adam and Granny Warner! We had a fun time on the beach. It was the first time Ava really played on the beach in the sand.

We had a great weekend overall. We had a cocktail and food night at Ralph's house on Thursday night. Then on Friday, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Aunt Janet, Bob and Rosie all went to Charleston to go on a horse carraige ride around the historical city. I loved it!

I wore one of my fancy dresses to the rehearsal dinner!

Saturday was the big wedding. We started out with a big bridal brunch at Carey and Ralph's house.

It was a beautiful day and night and the food and dancing was great! I was tired, but I had fun, while I lasted. Mom and Dad had fun dancing. We were so happy to see Ralph and Carey finally tie the knot! Now we have a nice big family....we are just waiting for Adam to get married....and he caught the garter belt, so it is his turn next!

Mommy was a bridesmaid in the wedding, so it was fun to see her in a long dress.

Sunday, Mom, Dad and I went back to Charleston and walked around a lot. I love it there. It is such a historical city and the houses are beautiful. Mom and Dad could live there I think...even though I love San Francisco and I don't want to leave my friends!

On the way home, we had some issues. Our flight got delayed so much that we would have missed our connection to San Francisco in Cincinnati, so we had to stay in Charleston another night in a ghetto hotel near the airport. It wasn't too bad though, until I had to wake up at 2am PT, and then I was cranky all day on the flights! But, we finally got home and I have to say, I am happy to be staying put for a few months.
On the day we got home, I started solid food for the first time.....I loved it! I was total natural at eating. I am pretty messy, but I do that on purpose, because it is more fun.

Here are more pictures of the wedding and my first food!