Well, here we are. The very last day of my 6 month maternity leave. I can't believe the day is already here. This has to be the fastest 6 months of my life...but I guess that is because a little life was created and has grown so much - making it such an action packed couple of months. It has been such an amazing experience and I am so fortunate to have had the chance to stay home for 6 months with Ava - I believe it was truly the best thing for her. Now that she is almost 6 months old and is becoming more and more active, and is adoring other kids.....it is her time to step out and spend her days at Lisa's Family Day Care, where I am sure she will learn so much. It will be a hard day on Monday, but I know she will be safe and happy. And....lucky me! I get to have every Friday off to spend with my cutie little girl! That makes me very happy.
We have been enjoying our last couple weeks together, trying to savor the time, as we will never have it again. We have spent time with our playgroup - here is a new picture of everyone! They are sure growing!

We also went with Dave to Long Beach for Solar Power 2007. We spent 4 days there, exploring the town and best of all, seeing Dave, instead of being at home alone for that long. We went to the aquarium, which was great, went on a harbor cruise and toured the Queen Mary. All in all, a good few days. We wish we could have visited with a few friends while we were down there, but they were all out of town!
I also went on a little weekend away last weekend with my mom's group. We had a great group of girls and had a blast. We rented a house in Healdsburg, had a limo tour around Sonoma and the Alexander Valley, and went to a great dinner in Geyserville. I certainly got lucky with my mom's group! It was a great time.
Now, we will enjoy our last day, have fun on the weekend, and start a new journey in our lives on Monday. Wish us luck!
One last picture of the cutie baby sleeping. So sweet!

Here are all the latest photos.
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