The doctors are saying she is a miracle baby. Apparently the placenta and cord were one of the worst they have ever seen, so it was amazing she was able to get all the nutrients she needed to grow. It doesn't matter now though, because she is here, healthy and amazing.
We were discharged from the hospital on Tuesday, April 17. We have been spending the last few days eating, playing, pooping and sleeping - in that order. She has visited her doctor twice, as she is still jaundiced. There is a slight possibility she will have to go back into the hospital if it doesn't get better...but given her brief history, she will be just fine. She just needs to hang out in the sun, eat more and poop more - I think she is already a pro!
Mommy and Daddy are doing well. We are amazed at the beautiful baby we created and can't believe we have the capacity to love someone so much. I don't think we have both ever cried so much! We are so happy...and even more happy that she sleeps so well. She feeds at night around 10, 2, and 6, so we get plenty of sleep. And...she sleeps in her Moses basket all by herself without waking up...unless of course we decide to keep her in bed with us to sleep, which is possibly one of the most fun things. It makes sleeping so much better than it was before.
Well, that is a good run-down of the first week. Even though we don't want her to grow anymore because we are happy with her little peanut body now, we will have plenty of updates in the weeks, months and years to come as she grows into a beautiful young girl!
View her first week of photos here.
HI Jill Dave and Ava
Nice work she looks like a beauty.!!!
very cute...
Good luck with the next few weeks and hope to meet Ava soon
Matt & Alex
Welcome Ava, you look lovely. We're very happy that you arrived safely. Congratulations Jill and Dave, now the hard work begins but you'll love it. I bet all of her grandparents are beaming. We toasted her birth this weekend with Micheal, Noela, Deb and Warren. Lots of love Dave and Lorraine
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